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2021: Researcher and Software Developer

     By the start of vaccination against COVID-19 in the mid 2021, and before starting my Ph.D. at the United States, I worked at SponixTech company, for around 5 months. Actually, thanks to my experience at graphical issues on soccer analysis, I got a new job which was in some aspects similar to my previous job. In this company, the goal was to add some advertises inside the soccer field, and more importantly around the soccer field. In fact, the idea of this company was that why all the TV-viewers, allover the world, should see the same advertisement. For example, we see many alcohol-drinks in the European stadiums, while they are wasting the money in the Muslim countries. Or in another example, it may some insurance companies don't have any branch in Asia or America. We were trying to replace all the advertisements, without using any special camera or equipment in the stadium. Having this technology, FIFA and at the same time the companies would benefit. FIFA would have more income through regional-based advertisement, and the companies spend less money through removing some areas uncovered by their products. The basic programming language of this project was C++, on the QT Creator IDE, however, in some parts we utilized Python. This product has win $100.000 reward of  ‘Entrepreneurship World Cup’ in Qatar finals. This product is a revolution in broadcast advertisements, especially in the sport. 

2020-2021: Freelancer and Teacher

     By the expansion of corona-virus and the problems that hindered my cooperation with Sepehr company, I decided to work as a teacher and freelancer for a while. During this period, I got many students, as a private teacher, to teach them some courses of the masters degree, such as image processing, neural networks and machine learning. On the other hand, thanks to my knowledge and experience in software development, not only did I get some students to teach them the basics of C++ and Matlab programming languages, but also I implemented some small projects using them. I believe that this period was very practical for me. I could review some courses that I had passed in the university and prepare myself for a higher educational standing. Another advantage of working as a freelancer is the prevention of the expansion of COVID-19. I did all of my teachings and implementations remotely by the internet. I should confess that my income was a-half of the income I earned from the Sepehr company, but I believe that safety against the corona-virus, especially for my mother, was really worthy than a higher revenue. 

2015- 2019: Researcher and Software Developer

    I worked at Ide-Pardazan-e-Sepehr-e-Etelaat (in abbreviation: Sepehr, in Persian: ایده پردازان سپهر اطلاعات) company (Persian link) from 2015 to 2019. This firm was consisted of around 15 members, working in two groups, including a software developer team and a content provider team. I was grateful for being part of this team because of new experiences, the spirit of teamwork, and mutual respect. There were no many companies all over the world implemented such a kind of knowledge-based project. This commercial product was presented in the IBC show, in the Netherlands, in September 2018.

    The software developer team, which I was part of it, was focused on a big project for soccer video analysis. We have developed two software. The first one was statistics extraction of players, in form of tables, bar charts, pie charts and other plotting methods as a pdf file, which provides very useful information during a football match, such as shoot, tackle, foul, running distance, sprint, and many other statistics for coaches and analyzers. The latter was a soccer video synthesis software which offers a vast range of graphical instruments to generate videos with extra information. Some samples of this project are shown as follows. By 2020, Unfortunately, the company could not find financial resources for the team support, and coincidently the expansion of corona-virus ruined all the company's sale plan. Therefore, the managers decided to stop the association's activities.

    This project was implemented in QT framework by C++ programming language. One more point, two most practical libraries which we utilized were OpenCV and OpenGL. These two libraries could handle many image and video processing tasks and operate the processes through the GPU. 


Mohammad Mehdi


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