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Ph.D. Degree

    I started my Ph.D. at the University of Denver, in 2022. My major is Artificial Intelligence and my field of study is computer vision and pattern recognition. I am working on some projects and would share the outgoing papers here, after their publication. The most important project I am working is revising a dataset, called AffectNet, where our team is going to revise the labels. We would have a probabilistic look at the data, and append some attributes to any image. Two other projects are related to the medical images and we are going to extract landmark points from x-ray images without the human's intervention. In all the projects, we focus on deep convolutional neural networks, and until now, the results are eye-catching. I expect myself to publish two papers in the first half of 2023. 

Master's Degree

    Sharif University of Technology, the best university of Iran, was my last study opportunity. It was started in 2012 and it granted my degree, in Artificial Intelligence, with over 16 GPA, in 2015. I was really keen on working on images and thanks to Dr. Jamzad, one of the best faculties of Sharif University, I got this chance to be a member of Digital Image Processing and Machine Vision Lab. My lab researches were not only limited by working on faces, but also I started image annotation project with his Ph.D. student, Dr. Hamid Amiri, who is assistant professor at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of Tehran We have recently submitted our paper to an ACM publisher.

    As I told, my recent research area was image annotation. This paper is submitted to ACM and its pre-print PDF is achievable here. The abstract part of this paper is presented as follow.

In many real-world applications, such as recommender systems and image retrieval, images include various high-level semantics, called tags or annotations. Virtually all the state-of-the-art image annotation methods that handle the issue of imbalanced labeling are search-based techniques (i.e., nearest neighbors), which are inherently timeconsuming. In this paper, a novel coupled dictionary learning approach has been proposed to learn a limited number of visual prototypes and their corresponding semantics, simultaneously. Most coupled dictionary learning methods utilize squared loss function for both visual and semantic modalities that is inappropriate for image annotation with imbalanced labels. We have employed a marginalized loss function in the proposed method while utilizing a simple and effective method to update prototypes. Meanwhile, we have introduced l_1 regularization on semantic prototypes to preserve the sparse and imbalanced nature of labels in learned semantic prototypes. Finally, comprehensive experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method for image annotation tasks in terms of accuracy and scalability. 

    As I mentioned above, my first research area was face analysis and we could submit the paper 'Facial Mark Detection and Removal using Graph Relations and Statistics' to 25th ICEE conference in 2017, and get its acceptance. Abstraction of this paper is presented as following and it is accessible through clicking on the pdf icon.

    Face Analysis is an important task in image processing. Most of these tasks centralized on face recognition and detection. One of the different ways for deceiving automatic face analysis systems is mark notation on the skin. On the other hand, some applications attempt to eliminate defects of the face. Hence, in this paper, we try to detect and remove skin marks on the face, whether they’re natural or not. Our algorithm passes face image through appropriate filters to get mark candidates and then create a graph space using 8-point neighborhood relations of mark candidates image pixels. Then we compute probabilities of each mark candidate using four measures based on the intensity of occurrence, shape density, uniqueness in a local area and color difference. Then using a threshold, we distinguish marks and false candidates. Finally, we use the most similar adjacent area around the mark to remove it from the skin. Our algorithm represents significant accuracy in mole detection and removal.

      I also ran some projects as postgraduate course projects:

  • Motion Blur Identification, image processing, MATLAB, Dr. Mansour Jamzad.

  • Image-based Shaving, image processing, MATLAB, Dr. Mansour Jamzad.

  • Scene Cut Detection, video processing, MATLAB, Dr. Mohammad Ghanbari.

  • Back Propagation Neural Network, neural networks, MATLAB, Dr. Mahdi Jalili.

  • Part of Speech Tagging, neural networks, MATLAB, Dr. Mahdi Jalili.

  • Classification and Clustering, Machine Learning, MATLAB, Dr. Hamid Reza Beigy.

Bachelor's Degree

    Admitted in Software Engineering at the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2009, I could be graduated just a bit under 16 GPA in 2012.


      The most important course projects of this period were:

  • Tic-Tac-Toe Game, Artificial Intelligence, C#, Ali Naser-Asadi.

  • Library Management System, final bachelor’s degree project, C# and SQL SERVER, Siavash Sheikhi-Zadeh.    

Associate's Degree

    I started studying Software Engineering at the Shahid Bahonar University of Shiraz in 2007 and graduated with exceed 14 GPA in 2009.


       Two important projects I did were:

  • Maze Game, introductory programming, C++, Ali Maharlooyi.

  • Warehouse Database, database, SQL SERVER, Mohsen Behnia. 


Mohammad Mehdi


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