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Birth and Childhood

    Although I was born in Mamasani, on 7 April 1986, the western city of Fars province, I lived my first 13 years of my life in Yasuj. This city is the smallest capital amongst all the provinces of Iran. The people who lived there were so hospital and generous, and I remember many good memories from this city. 


    After a few years, my parents decided to live in another city, where my siblings and I could benefit more educational facilities. Therefore, I grew up in a very spectacular city which is called Shiraz. No trip to my country would be complete without visiting historical buildings situated in this city. Take, Persepolis, Naqsh-e-Rostam, Hafezieh, and Saadieh, as only a small number of attractions available in my hometown. I finished my high school at Shiraz and started associate degree there.

Study Away from Family

    This period of my life includes two parts. The first one dates back to my acceptance in the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman where I could graduate my bachelor's degree. Besides, the second step refers to my master's degree. Indeed, I was fond of doing this degree before being admitted to the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, where almost all Iranian engineers have a great passion to study there.

Employment in Tehran

    After graduation, I received a job offer from my co-lab, who was recently graduated at Ph.D. degree and also was the project manager of Sepehr company. Since my experience was image processing and the project was completely related to my academic knowledge, I accepted this job opportunity, where I could earn more experience in software programming, doing research, and working as a team. 

Return to Shiraz

    By the expansion of COVID-19 and the firm's financial problems, the company activity was frozen by the managers, so I decided to come back to my hometown, live with my mother, work remotely as a freelancer, and follow my overseas education plan. During this period, I mainly focused on tutoring the courses I learned in the university and running some small projects in C++ and Matlab programming languages. 

Migration to the United States

    Having the chance of some admissions from different universities in the United States and Australia, I decided to go to the hub of the science, America. Now, I am passing my Ph.D. degree in the field of computer vision and machine learning at University of Denver. 


Mohammad Mehdi


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